In this post, we will delve into Bridge to Kubernetes by examining a Sample ASP.NET Core Web API.
What is Bridge to Kubernetes?
Bridge to Kubernetes is an iterative development tool for authoring microservice applications that target Kubernetes. Bridge to Kubernetes allows you to run and debug code on your development computer while it remains connected to your Kubernetes cluster along with the rest of your application or services. In my earlier blog post on Remocal, I showcased the use of mirrord.
A Kubernetes cluster
NOTE: According to Microsoft documentation, Bridge to Kubernetes does not work with Docker for Desktop Kubernetes clusters. Therefore, for this exercise, I have utilized Kind to setup a multi-node kubernetes cluster.
It is used to create a local Docker Container Registry. For instructions on how to set it up, please refer to the section Preparation of Local Docker Container Registry in the blog "Demystifying Kubernetes for developers.
Bridge to Kubernetes Visual Studio Code Extension
Rapid Kubernetes development for teams.
Kompose is a conversion tool for Docker Compose to container orchestrators such as Kubernetes (or OpenShift).
Lens is a Kubernetes platform that provides tools for seamless interaction with Kubernetes clusters, and an environment for secure and effective work within teams and organizations.
Creation of DEMO API
# Using below command, you can create a ASP.NET Core Web API.
dotnet new webapi -n b2k-api
# Once created, you can use command to see if it working fine.
dotnet run
Creation of Docker & Docker Compose files
Using the Command Palette... option, you can add docker and docker-compose files to the b2k-api project.
Build Image and Push to local registry
Once docker file is ready, you can build and push the image to the local registry using the Command Palette... option as
Creation of Kubernetes manifest file
Kompose helps to create Kubernetes manifest files from Docker Compose file.
kompose convert
INFO Kubernetes file "b2kapi-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "b2kapi-deployment.yaml" created
For simplicity, I have merged both files into one named b2kapi-deployment.yaml and updated the image location to the local registry.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
kompose.cmd: /usr/local/bin/kompose convert
kompose.version: 1.32.0 (HEAD)
io.kompose.service: b2kapi
name: b2kapi
replicas: 1
io.kompose.service: b2kapi
kompose.cmd: /usr/local/bin/kompose convert
kompose.version: 1.32.0 (HEAD)
labels: "true"
io.kompose.service: b2kapi
- image: localhost:5000/b2kapi:latest
name: b2kapi
- containerPort: 5001
hostPort: 5001
protocol: TCP
restartPolicy: Always
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
kompose.cmd: /usr/local/bin/kompose convert
kompose.version: 1.32.0 (HEAD)
io.kompose.service: b2kapi
name: b2kapi
- name: "5001"
port: 5001
targetPort: 5001
io.kompose.service: b2kapi
Creation of Kind Kubernetes Cluster
The following configuration is used to creating a multi-node cluster.
# create a kind-config.yaml describing kind cluster details.
kind: Cluster
- |-
endpoint = ["http://my-registry:5000"]
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
# Run this command to create a kind cluster based on kind-config.yaml
kind create --config kind-config.yaml
docker network connect "kind" "my-registry" # Refer your local container registry
Deployment of DEMO API to Kubernetes Cluster
Now that all artifacts (e.g., Images, Local Registry, Kubernetes Cluster) are ready, we can deploy the application using the command below.
kubectl apply -f b2kapi-deployment.yaml
Using Lens
The Lens tool facilitates quick verification of deployments and service port-forwarding. Since we are not using ingress, we opted for port-forwarding. The following images provide a glimpse of pods, services, port-forwarding, and accessing the API from outside the cluster.
Start debugging
You can initiate the debugging process by selecting Debug (Local Tunnel) option.
If Bridge To Kubernetes is not installed, it will prompt you to install it and request administrative privileges.
While the Debug process is being prepared, you can find more details referring to terminal window, output window.
If you observe the pod details using Lens carefully, you may notice that the existing pod is killed, two new pods are created, and once you terminate the debugging activity, the original pod is automatically restored. This is how Bridge-To-Kubernetes operates.
Finally, if you set a breakpoint and initiate a request to the service, it will pause at the breakpoint, enabling you to continue with regular debugging activities.
- A pod may only have a single container running in that pod for Bridge to Kubernetes to successfully connect.
- Currently, Bridge to Kubernetes pods must be Linux containers. Windows containers aren't supported.
- Bridge to Kubernetes needs elevated permissions to run on your development computer in order to edit your hosts file.
- Bridge to Kubernetes can't be used on clusters with Azure Dev Spaces enabled.